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Draft Minutes March 2017
Antrim Parks & Recreation Commission
March 9, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:  Joan Gorga, Isaac Lombard and Chris Morris
Recreation Director: Celeste Lunetta
The minutes from the February 9, 2017 meeting were approved with amendments.
Town Gym
Floor. We are awaiting the results of budget meetings to make further decisions about gym floor repairs. Due to the weather, the Highway Dept hasn’t had time to look at the drainage around the gym.
ConVal agreement. We worked on revising the gym agreement. Celeste will type up suggested changes and distribute a draft so we can finalize our proposed revisions in April. Celeste will also work on drafting regulations for use of the gym for non-athletic events, such as school assemblies, to ensure minimal floor damage.
Shea Field
Ice Skating. The weather extremes this winter have presented a lot of challenges to maintaining the ice skating rink. We’re hoping it will freeze up again for one last weekend of use before it is dismantled. However, it appears to thaw quickly and should not present a problem for the beginning of baseball season.
ConVal agreement, maintenance budget. Celeste circulated a draft Shea Field Usage Request Form, which the Commission voted to accept as a draft. Celeste and Pete are still planning to set out a detailed year-long maintenance plan.
Memorial Park
Tennis Court. Ray Greenleaf of Vermont Tennis submitted a bid to rebuild the court over two years for $75,000 to $85,000 ($32,000 to $38,000, if we do the groundwork ourselves) or to do crack repair for $2000. The Commission voted to proceed with the crack repair this spring. The Highway Dept has offered to power wash the court to remove the slippery black mold.
Skatepark. The skatepark is already in active use. Celeste spoke to users about loud music and reminded them that they need to be cognizant of the neighborhood if they want the park to remain open. A few pieces of plywood need to be replaced, which the Highway Dept should be able to take care of as the winter weather lets up. There is a small amount of money left that the skatepark committee raised. It could be used to purchase paint/stain if a group such as the Lions Club or the Boy Scouts are looking for a project.
Bandstand. Tod and Linda Bryer will take the spire down as soon as the weather permits. ConVal woodshop teacher Abe Ewing has offered to help make a new spire. Chris will take the old one to him, along with messages of the town history and attachment to the spire.
Antrim In The Evening. Celeste is working on the schedule, trying to bring in several programs that usually draw sizeable crowds.
Maintenance/Other. Bob Bethel is organizing the Youth Fishing Derby, to be held May 6. Some of the shrubby growth around the edge of Mill Pond needs to be removed for fishing access, and the landscaping needs to be spruced up. Since many of the shrubs growing near the bridge are invasives that should be removed anyway, Joan will mark those in that area that should be saved. If the Highway Dept can’t do the work, we will organize an April work day, maybe Earth Day, and see if we can get volunteers to help.
Recreation Department
Update. Baseball, softball and lacrosse programs are getting under way. Avenue A Coordinator Jacqueline Roland is running an afterschool basketball program for middle schoolers at the gym.
The Before and After School programs have been working well and are incorporating recreational activities in the gym and outside. At the moment, all the participants are Antrim kids, and the program has attracted people to live in Antrim.
Summer Programs are being planned. There will again be focused camps, such as NHDI and soccer camps. The Rec summer program, themed “Back to Summer,” will run for five weeks and offer crafts, games, beach trips and trail hiking, with two short field trips each week.
Gregg Lake
Update. Celeste will give a talk on stargazing on April 27, to be followed by stargazing at Gregg Lake on April 28. Celeste circulated a schedule of Lake Host training dates, and will order a handicap toilet for the boat launch this summer.
The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be Thursday, April 13th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary